Article Series

  1. Daily Magnesium Requirement
  2. Magnesium Deficiency - Causes, Symptoms, Treatment
  3. Magnesium - Overdose & Excess

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Daily Magnesium Requirement

Daily Magnesium Requirement
Table Of Contents
  1. Daily Requirement of Magnesium - NIH
  2. Magnesium Daily Requirements for Athletes
  3. Stress increases magnesium requirements

With a varied vegan diet, the magnesium requirement can be easily met in healthy individuals 1. According to a large-scale study, vegans had the highest magnesium intake compared to other dietary patterns 2. Approximately 30 to 50% of magnesium consumed through diet is absorbed in the digestive tract 3. According to a study, the amount absorbed decreases depending on the magnesium intake. With low magnesium intake, 65% is absorbed, while with high intake, only 11% is absorbed 4.

Daily Requirement of Magnesium - NIH

In order to meet the daily requirement, the following amounts for the United States should be consumed through diet to prevent magnesium deficiency 5:

Gender and Age GroupAmount in mg
19 to < 30 years 400
30 years and above 420
19 to < 30 years 310
30 years and above 320
Pregnant, 19–30 years 350
Pregnant, 31–50 years 360
Breastfeeding, 19–30 years 310
Breastfeeding, 31–50 years 320
Children / Adolescents
0 to < 6 months 30 (estimated value)
7 to < 12 months 75 (estimated value)
1 to < 3 years 80
4 to < 8 years 130
9 to < 13 years 240
Boys 14 to < 18 years 410
Girls 14 to < 18 years 360
Pregnant, 14–18 years 400
Breastfeeding, 14–18 years 360

Magnesium Daily Requirements for Athletes

Athletes have a higher magnesium requirement because magnesium is lost in larger quantities through body sweat during intense physical exertion 6. Thus, the magnesium requirement can increase by 10 to 20% during demanding endurance training 7.

The requirement also depends on muscle mass. Heavy athletes with a lot of muscle mass should aim for a higher magnesium intake. Especially during the phase of weight loss, it is important to ensure an adequate intake 8. Plant-based foods high in magnesium include whole grains, nuts, and vegetables.

Intake levels that are lower than 260 mg per day for men and lower than 220 mg for women can lead to a deficient magnesium level in athletes. 9. Furthermore, scientists have found indications that a slight magnesium deficiency impairs training performance and exacerbates the consequences (such as oxidative stress) of intense exercise.

Stress increases magnesium requirements

Physical stress (such as heat, cold, or burns), emotional stress (such as pain, anxiety, excitement, or depression), or dyspnea (shortness of breath) as in asthma further increases the demand for magnesium. 10.