Date Syrup - Nutrition Facts, Calories And Nutrients

Food Group: Gelling Agents And Sweeteners
Status: processed

The nutritional value, nutrition facts and calories refer to a weight of 100 g date syrup.

Depending on environmental conditions and because of processing the information may vary. Nutritional values and the calories for food Date Syrup therefore for guidance only. The following list shows you the calories, carbs, fat, protein, minerals and vitamins of the selected food.


Calories / Energy 289 kcal
Water 27 g
Carbohydrate 70 g
Fat 0.5 g
Protein 1.2 g
Dietary Fiber 0 gSugars / Mono- and Disaccharide 70 gGlucose / Dextrose 36.2 g
Fructose 33.7 gSucrose 0.1 g
Fatty Acids

Saturated Fatty Acids

(16:0) Palmitic Acid 80 mg
(18:0) Stearic Acid 0 g

Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids


Potassium 0.75 gCalcium 75.6 mgPhosphorus 69 mg
Sodium 60 mgMagnesium 57.6 mg

Trace Element

Zinc 0.4 mgIron 2.2 mgManganese 0.2 mg
Copper 0.3 mgIodine 1 µg
Vitamin C / Ascorbic Acid 2.8 mgVitamin E 0.2 mgVitamin B1 / Thiamine 0.1 mgVitamin B2 / Riboflavin 0.1 mgVitamin B3 / Niacin 2.3 mgVitamin B6 0.2 mg
Vitamin B12 / Cobalamin 0 gBiotin 6 µgFolic Acid / Folate 19 µgVitamin A 0 gVitamin D 0 gVitamin K1 / Phylloquinone 0 g

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