Vegetables High In Calories List

Potato Chips
532 kcal
411 kcal
Spirulina Powder
375 kcal
Maca Powder
360 kcal
Potato Flour
357 kcal
Cassava Flour
357 kcal
Instant Mashed Potato Powder
350 kcal
Pasilla Peppers, dried
345 kcal
Celery Flakes, dried
319 kcal
Potato Starch
318 kcal
Beetroot Powder
316 kcal
Spirulina, dried
290 kcal
Ancho Peppers (Poblano), dried
281 kcal
Carrot Powder
277 kcal
Potato Patties
272 kcal
Kanpyo (Dried Gourd Strips)
258 kcal
Tomatoes, sun-dried
258 kcal
Seaweed Sheets (Nori, dried)
225 kcal
Sun-dried Tomatoes Packed In Oil
213 kcal
Nettle Leaves, dried
204 kcal
Kelp Powder
200 kcal
French Fried Potatoes, salted + oven-heated
199 kcal
Potato Puffs
192 kcal
Kombu, dried
188 kcal
Yeast Extract Spread
185 kcal
Kale Chips, With Cooking Oil
166 kcal
Sweet Potato Puffs
161 kcal
160 kcal
Cassava, bioled
151 kcal
149 kcal
Potato Wedges, baked
148 kcal
Gnocchi, boiled
148 kcal
Taro, cooked
142 kcal
Onions, sauteed
132 kcal
Sweet Pickle Relish
130 kcal
118 kcal
Yam, cooked
116 kcal
Hearts Of Palm
115 kcal
112 kcal
Wasabi Root
109 kcal

In a healthy and balanced diet, vegetables are essential because they are rich in vitamins and minerals. Thus, they offer numerous health benefits that are also beneficial for muscle building and overall fitness. Vegetables contain comparatively few calories as they consist mainly of water and fiber.

However, the calorie content of vegetables varies depending on the type and preparation method. In the list above, you can see how many calories are in vegetables. In the following article, we would like to take a closer look at vegetable calories and their impact on nutrition.

What Are Calories?

Firstly, let's briefly explain what calories are. Calories play a very important role in nutrition. They indicate how much energy is contained in a food. When we consume this food, it provides energy to our body, which is needed for all its functions such as respiration, digestion, and movement.

The unit of measurement is calorie (cal). However, in nutritional science, kilocalories are commonly used. One kilocalorie is equal to 1,000 calories. Kcal is the abbreviation for kilocalorie, a unit of measurement for the energy contained in food.

Calories In Vegetables

Vegetables contain few or no fats and proteins. The main component is carbohydrates, especially fiber. These are not completely digested and metabolized by the body, resulting in little to no calorie supply. Therefore, vegetables are primarily a source of carbohydrates. The calorie content of vegetables, in general, is much lower than that of fruits or other foods.

The number of calories in vegetables depends on the type and size of the vegetables. According to the calorie chart, leafy green vegetables like spinach, kale, and Swiss chard contain very few calories. Other vegetables like carrots, tomatoes, and cucumbers also have a low calorie content because they contain a lot of water.

However, various types of vegetables can also be a good source of carbohydrates. Starchy vegetables have a higher carbohydrate content. Accordingly, these types of vegetables also contain more calories. Examples include potatoes, carrots, parsnips, corn, peas, and sweet potatoes. Check out the starchy vegetables chart for more information.

Ripeness And Preparation Affect Vegetable Calories

The ripeness of vegetables can affect their calorie content. Ripe vegetables usually contain more sugar and therefore more calories than unripe ones. This is because vegetables produce sugar during the ripening process. For example, green bell peppers and green beans tend to have fewer calories than ripe vegetables of the same kind.

You can eat vegetables raw or cooked by frying, steaming, grilling, baking, deep-frying, or eating them raw. Frying and deep-frying can significantly increase the calorie content as the vegetables absorb the fat. If you want to save calories, it's best to eat the vegetables raw or cook them gently, such as steaming, simmering, or grilling.

Calories In Fresh, Frozen And Canned Vegetables

Fresh vegetables have the lowest calorie content, as you can see in the calorie chart. Frozen vegetables may have slightly more calories than fresh ones because they are often cooked or frozen to extend their shelf life. Freezing can also result in a slight loss of nutrients. However, the calorie profile generally remains similar to that of fresh vegetables.

Canned vegetables can have higher calories than fresh or frozen vegetables. This is because preserved vegetables often have added sugar, salt, or preservatives to make them last longer. Some canned vegetables may also contain oil, which increases the calorie content.

Losing Weight With Vegetables

By consuming low-calorie vegetables and other low-calorie foods, you can reduce your calorie intake. Some vegetables can contribute to weight loss because they are high in fiber. Fiber can expand in the stomach, increasing satiety and reducing appetite, which can lead to consuming fewer calories overall. You can find a table of fiber-rich foods here.

Vegetables can also serve as a substitute for high-calorie carbohydrate-rich foods like pasta and rice. For example, a meal of sautéed vegetables such as zucchini, bell peppers, and eggplant contains only a few calories.

Many vegetables are very low in fat, making it easier to reduce your daily calorie intake. You can add a generous portion of vegetables to your meals without consuming too many calories. Additionally, it increases satiety.

Vegetables are incredibly versatile. As mentioned before, they can be prepared in various ways. This means that preparing and incorporating vegetables into your diet will never be boring, providing variety.

Building Muscles With Vegetables?

In order to build muscles, a calorie surplus must be achieved. This means that you need to consume more calories than you burn. A calorie surplus is necessary to provide the required energy for muscle building. A moderate calorie surplus of about 250 to 500 kcal per day is recommended.

When it comes to vegetables, there is no specific vegetable that directly promotes muscle building. However, consuming vegetables helps supply the body with important nutrients that in turn support muscle building. Vegetables such as broccoli, spinach, sweet potatoes, bell peppers, tomatoes, and carrots are particularly recommended as they are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. They also contain important amino acids like leucine, which can aid in muscle building. Therefore, a combination of vegetables and protein-rich foods is recommended. You can find a list of foods containing leucine here.

If Possible, Buy Organic Vegetables

Organic vegetables are a healthier and more sustainable choice. Organic products have become increasingly popular in recent years. They are grown without chemical fertilizers and synthetic pesticides. Additionally, natural farming methods such as green manure, mixed cropping, and crop rotation can be used to improve the soil and keep pests away. This has the advantage of no harmful residues remaining on the vegetables, which can potentially be unhealthy.